Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The social dead

Simon Sellars has a new tumblr.

Yahoo! now has Tumblr.

Simon’s tumblr is about social media death. His previous (and continuing) project was an exploration of the works of JG Ballard. Ballard wrote often about characters unmoored from society dying a slow, inner death.

Yahoo! killed Geocities, the Web’s first social media platform.

The social dead zone isn’t a liminal zone. It permeates the social space, feeding back into it the negative energies – of capital, of profit – that participants naively thought they could shut out. That platforms like Tumblr and Twitter and Facebook and Blogger are free to use creates a persistent illusion that the social infrastructure of the Web is free of commercial imperatives and constraints, in spite of the constant reminders that the opposite is the case. This year we have already lost Google Reader and Posterous. Now people fear for Tumblr. But surely not Twitter. Surely not Blogger or Facebook. Not after how much people have invested into them. It couldn’t happen. Right?

It won’t, so long as the social content of those networks continues to have a sufficient commercial value – real or perceived – for their actual owners. The usual rejoinder that with all of these free services you’re not the customer, you’re the product, whilst superficially true, doesn’t account for the price one pays for not being on the networks. There is social death of another sort, outside, in real life, awaiting those who don’t conform.

A couple of weeks ago I was planning to write about the plight of the unrequited follower of the Twitter mega-star, but Simon beat me to it (rather beautifully, I might add). The case of the fans who plead to be acknowledged by their idol in some respect already existed in the days of regular mail. A friend once showed me a sample of the letters that a young American heartthrob actor her firm represented was getting from his Italian fans. It was predictably pathetic, the sort of clumsy devotion that you know you shouldn’t laugh at, but can’t help yourself to. Those fans wanted to be loved back – which was impossible – but at least they got signed photographs by return mail. That was the price the celebrity had to pay, quantified in man-hours of their publicity staff.

Advances in social media have largely dispensed with the need to send memorabilia through the post, but have also intensified these exchanges, which now occur mostly in public. It’s a theatre of obsession. The fan asks not to be loved, but to be followed back. They demand a reciprocity which is, again, mathematically impossible. Justin Bieber, as Simon notes, has over 300 times as many followers as people he follows, but there is every reason to doubt that he actually ‘follows’ 122,828 people in any meaningful sense. If he did – and by the way, this applies also to the 51,581 people followed by Stephen Fry, in case you thought that this arithmetic applied only to the teenage pop star – and each of them wrote a mere ten words a day, it would be the equivalent of reading eight or nine novels per day (in Bieber’s case) or four or five (in Fry’s), just to keep up. Except ‘novel’ is a bad analogy. The text would be far more disjointed than that. More like a phone book, perhaps. And if Bieber were to follow back all of his followers – that’s nearly 40 million people as this goes to print – the number would be astronomically larger. It would be like having to read, say, every phone book of every town in Britain, each and every day. But still the fan hopes. They require a sign. In order to be validated. In order to feel that they fully exist.

Justine Bieber and Stephen Fry are limit cases. Forget them. Every day most regular people are involved in another kind of traffic: a smaller, distributed version of the celebrity social media theatre. In this play we are but numbers on a ledger. People whose main quality is to be better at pretending to be human than most software routines. And so we get these followers. You know the kind, if you’re on Twitter. Here is a typical sample of their bios.

All-round management- and organization adviser, international trainer and (team)coach. Optimistic, decisive, empathetic, passionate and inspirational.

For more than a decade Malcolm Crowley & Engineering Unlimited have provided a comprehensive engineering service to an ever expanding list of satisfied Clients

I love to help people get a perfect car for their holiday. There are many mistakes people can make hiring a car. I help them get the best car for their needs.

M. Gary Neuman is a renowned psychotherapist who's [sic] work has been featured on the Oprah Show, Today Show etc. Check out our new program: The Neuman Method

These people – who invariably appear to have thousands of followers – don’t follow you because they are interested in you. They don’t even pretend to. They just hope you will follow them back, like the Bieber fan. But they don’t beg. They don’t need to. They count on a social reflex: some Twitter users just follow back. You might, or you might not. If you don’t, expect to be unfollowed within a week. It is very important for these people – and I use the word people quite loosely – to achieve a follower count that is close to – and preferably greater than – the number of people they follow. This is partly because of how Twitter detects spammer activity but mainly because their goal is to create the perception that they are popular, in the hope that this will be mistaken for actual credibility or influence.

Just today for instance I was followed by realtor Wayne Maguire (‘When selling or buying New Zealand property our experience & expertise can benefit you. Please call Ray White | Mission Bay to discuss’.) A quick glance at his timeline enabled me to make the following prediction.

The reply came within the hour:

Even the humble realtor is a ghost, a software routine. This is common in the small business sector. Some time ago, while in the process of goading another spammer – for research, you understand – I caught the delightful spectacle of two spambots being polite to each other.

And it’s not just businesses proper, large or small. The pressure exerted on social subjects by a labour market in which casualisation is the norm has made the category of ‘internet entrepreneur’ psychologically universal. And where else could you cultivate your personal brand at virtually no cost but on social media? Hence the abundance of frank and unsentimental advice on how to fool other people into thinking that you are interested in them; advice that purports to help you to drive traffic to your blog, or increase your reputation as an influencer.

Take Ana Hofman, of the Traffic Generation Cafè. Her advice on how to build your small Twitter empire is unsentimental as they come. It involves using keyword searches to locate your potential targets and automated software to establish a rigid routine of followings and unfollowing so as to maintain a balance that won’t give you away to Twitter's spam-detecting routines. Writes Hofman:

Let me show you my exact map for getting thousands of targeted followers in no time.

FYI, the first number is what I call “peaceful” takeover, the second number is “hostile” takeover, meaning you’ll be pushing the envelope with that one, but I never got in trouble doing it before.

Just so you know.

So here it is:

My Follow / Un-Follow Pattern

Week 1 & Week 2

Mon ADD 315-385
Tue ADD 315-385
Wed ADD 315-385
Thurs ADD 315-385
Fri ADD 315-385
Sat Remove those who don’t follow you back
Sun ADD 405-495
(people are more likely to follow you back on Sun than any other day of the week – don’t ask me why)

Week 3 & Beyond

(you still follow the same number of people)


Once again, the first way is peaceful (less aggressive); the second way is more aggressive.

I always followed the hostile way, but that’s just me. You have to decide for yourself what you are comfortable with.

Got this? Good. Now what you need to do is get yourselves multiple accounts, each focused on a specific niche interest, all working in concert to achieve your stated goal. The requisite thousands of followers will need to be secured for each account by following the procedure above. And then, to get noticed, each account should take send out its tweet in blocks. Hofman explains again:

Instead of tweeting once and immediately getting lost in the sea of other tweets, tweet in a group of 4 tweets.

The first 3 should be other people’s posts, quotes, etc, but the last one is always yours – leading to your blog. That way it will be on top of your tweet block and will be likely to get clicked on first.

Of course, to make your life easier, I would schedule all your blocks in advance, spaced 3-4 hours apart – you can do that with both TweetAdder and MarketMeSuite.

This is the new you: organised, ruthless, inflexible, willing to speak in short pre-packaged bursts in order to achieve maximum social efficiency. You’re dead now, but it doesn’t matter. There is another you somewhere else on the networks, a truer you, alive, who speaks with honesty and integrity – like the real Ana Hofman – to her vast, primed audience.

But there’s a problem, isn’t there? It’s reciprocity. Like with Bieber. How do you know that those people you carefully selected via algorithms and keywords aren’t playing the same game as you? How do you know that that you are not a number to them? That they didn’t follow you back in the morning lest you unfollowed them in the afternoon? How can you be sure? How could you even hope?

Wouldn’t it be simpler and more realistic to assume that everyone is dead?


  1. I have to prove to a robot that I'm not a robot to make this post about robots talking to robots. The words it is testing my humanity with are "which ryhiona". Will any response be elicited by my accredited meatiness? There's an average of one quip about the Uncle Tom robot every Gio post, which is actually more attention than I expect to get for this. Which would, ironically, be fair enough, because I have nothing to say.

  2. Ah, but you put it quite beautifully.

  3. Apropos of not quite nothing, try entering the following three mathematical problems into Wolfram Alpha:
    "sum from n=1 to infinity of n/e^n"


    "I have 2 apples and I get 2 more. How many apples do I have?"


    "I have 2 apples and I take away 1 apple. How many apples do I have?"

    I learned how to do the first problem this year. My son learned how to do the second one at about age 4. At about age 5 he would be able to solve the second one.

  4. Oh, and have a guess beforehand at how many Wolfram Alpha solves. The answer surprised me.

  5. A room into which everybody runs,
    shouts, then runs away.
    A salon of little enmities.

    A turning of the word
    to births, spaces, marriages.
    Words as sheets, as blankets.

    Oh, my heart's long darling.
    You were the one who
    loved me best.

    I will cosset you with clichés.
    I will swaddle your memory
    in the street, against the

    sturm und drang, the
    strong caesura; the
    fool's edit, my retweet.
